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Vista Plastik Iletisim Araclar Nelerdirect
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E- 2013 - N
o: 05
WARHOLA No: 5 - 2013
Eyll - Ekim says / September - October issue Yaynlayan / Published by: ALAN stanbulEditr / Editor: Seil AlkTasarm / Design: Brkan zkanReklam-Kurumsal letiim Advertisement-Corporate Communication:Hande lkbayhande@alanistanbul.comYetkin Nuralyetkin@alanistanbul.comFotoraf / Photograph: Kayhan Kaygusuz, Tan Kurttekineviri / Translation: Emre Eren, Emre MeydanAdres / Address: Asmal Mescit Caddesi No: 5/2 Tnel Beyolu T: 0212 252 94 53www.alanistanbul.comwww.warholamagazine.comwarhola@alanistanbul.comBask / Print House: Altan Basm
Mimarlk ve ada Sanat Ekseninde...
Bizler ada sanatn kendi i sorunlar ile har neir olduu bir sre ierisindeydik geen Mays ay sonuna kadar. Ulusal veya uluslararas arenada sanat retiminin ald yol, nasl tanmland veya nasl snrland gibi biraz kendi ierisine kapal tart-malar ile megulken Gezi Park Direnii ve onu takip eden olaylar tm gndemimizi deitiriverdi. Bir yandan direniin aktif birer paras haline gelirken dier taraftan da souk kanllmz koruyarak olaylar takip ettik ve tarihe tanklk etmenin hem key-fini hem de sorumluluunu tamaya altk. Bu srecin geici deil kalc ve verimli sonularn ilerleyen zamanda daha da fazla ve aklkla edineceimizi dnyor ve umut ediyoruz.
Yazma getiimiz yaz boyunca oumuzu derinden etkileyen Gezi Direnii ile balama nedenim, sadece bunun birok alanda olduu gibi sanat alann da geri dnlmeyecek deiim ve farkllamalar beraberinde getirecei dncesi deil. Ayrca hazrlamak-ta olduumuz ve 15 Haziran 2013 tarihinde kartmay planladmz WARHOLAnn 5. saysnn da ertelenmesine neden olmasdr. Bylesine byk toplumsal olaylarn ortasnda bu gecikmenin gerekli ve zorunlu olduunu belirtmek isterim.
WARHOLA 05in ana ieriini SANAT - MMARLIK ilikisi zerine kurduk. Bu epey geni ve gemii olan konu hem ada sanat hem de mimarlk alanlarnda retim yapan veya kafa yoran ok sayda insanda gndemini daha da youn bir ekilde korumakta-dr. Sanatlar, sergiler, kitaplar ve kapitalist sistemin ynlendirici gleri aralnda alternatif bak alarn nmze sunan bu say tm bu alanlardan farkl ve ok sayda gncel uygulamay ortaya koyuyor. Buna ek olarak mimari ve mekan balaml ileri ile byk bir klliyata sahip olmas asndan Sarkis beinci saymzn ana sanat profi-lini oluturmakta.
Sanat dnyasnn nemli meselesi haline gelen sanat ve mimarln bulumas zerine odaklanan saymz keyifle okumanz dilemekle beraber sizler tarafndan sorgulanma-y da bekliyoruz. Drst yorumlar ve eletirel baknz iinde bulunduumuz srete bir kere daha fazla nemsiyoruz.Sezon ald, K geliyor
Concerning Architecture and Contemporary Art...
Till the end of past May, we witnessed a period in which contemporary art dealt with its own problems. While we were busy with somewhat-limited discussions about the progress of artis-tic production at a national and an international level, concerning how its defined or how its boundaries are determined; the Gezi Park resistance and the events that followed it have sud-denly changed our agenda. On the one hand, we were now an active part of the resistance, on the other hand we followed the events with composure and tried to carry both the joy and the re-sponsibility of witnessing history. We think and hope that, we will in the near future experience the permanent and fruitful results of this period.
The reason that I start with a mention of the Gezi Park Resistance which has moved most of us deeply during the past summer isnt just because of the thought that it will trigger irreversible changes in the field of art as in many other fields. Its also because that it has caused us to post-pone the 5th issue of WARHOLA which was planned to be released on June 15th, 2013. I should mention that this delay was necessary during such large-scale social events.
WARHOLA 05 focuses on the relationship between ART ARCHITECTURE. This is a widespread subject with quite a bit of history that now forms a bigger part of the agenda of many people working in the fields of both contemporary art and architecture. Presenting alternative perspec-tives regarding artists, shows, books and the decisive forces of the capitalist system, this issue ex-emplifies many different current applications from all these fields. Furthermore, having created many works that deal with architecture and space, Sarkis is the featured artist of our fifth issue.
With the hope that youll enjoy this issue focusing on the meeting of art and architecture which is an important issue in the art world, we also expect you to question our views. We find your hon-est comments and critical perspectives even more essential in this period.
The new season has begun, winter is coming...
Seil Alk
4- Gncel / Current
Bellekten arlann Estetik Deeri
The Aesthetic Value of Recollections
Kompleksin HaliThree States of The Complex
i- mekan / work-space
Mimari Yapilar ve Kentsel Alanlar Sanat ile BuluuyorArchitectural Buildings Urban Spaces Meet Art
Performans Sanatlar MerkeziPerformans Art Center
Bien Seramik
38- Can Elgiz ile Mimarlk ve Koleksiyonerlik zerineTalk About an Architecture and Collectors with Can Elgiz
Neden Ykmak stiyorlar?Why Do They Want to Demolish?
Direnmenin EstetiiThe Aesthetics of Resisting
Yeni mekan stratejileri: Anish KapoorNew space strategies: Anish Kapoor
60- AILI / Opening
Sanatla Randevunuz var slogan ile 1 Austos 2008de yayn hayatna balayan Trkiyenin ilk online sanat televizyonu, kresel ada kltr ve sanat topluluu yaratarak gen ve orta kuak sanatlarn almalarn zgrce sergile-yebilecekleri bir platform oluturmutur. nteraktif yapsyla sanatn her dalndan yzlerce videonun yer ald, Trkiyenin en zengin grsel sanat arivi zelliini ta-yan; en gncel sergileri, sa-natlarla en zel rportajlar, dnyadaki ve Trkiyedeki mzeleri, sanat fuarlar-n sanatseverlerle buluturarak, sanatn 5 yldr toplumun her kesimine ulamasn salyor.
Aylk ortalama 350.000 tekil ziyaretisi bu-lunan ve 1.000.000 videonun grntlen-dii ekavart.tvnin bilinirlii her geen gn artarken, Trkiyenin birok Gzel Sanatlar Okulu da, yzlerce videonun yer ald arivinden yararlanmak-tadr.
Sanatseverlerin ilgiyle takip ettii eka-vArtBlog da uluslararas sergileri ve fu-arlar gezip yorumlayan yazarlarmz; nci Aksoy, Leyla Alaton, Banu armkl, Glten mamolu, Leyla nsal ve Yasemin Varg yazlaryla okuyucular sanat yolcu-luuna karyor.
Sanat 5 yldr de izleniyor. Sa-natsz kalmayn!
Sanat Her Zaman Her Yerde bal al-tnda at sergiyle ARMAGGAN Art & De-sign Gallery, kavramsal zelliklerinin yan sra ilev yklenen sanat eserlerine kap-larn ayor. Sanat gndelik yaamn iindedir, insanidir ve gereklidir k noktasyla kurgulanan sergi, bu mottoyu takip ederek 22 sanatnn eseriyle Sanat 7/24 yanmzda nasl olur?, Sanat gnde-lik hayata nasl dahil olur? gibi sorulara yant aryor.
ARMAGGAN Art & Design Gallerynin ko-ordinatr anel an: SANAT 7/24 sergisi-nin k noktas ile ilgili Son zamanlar-da sklkla kullanlan sanat-tasarm-ilev kavramlar arasnda ve fonksiyonel sanat gibi yeni balklar altnda, gndelik haya-tmzda kullandmz gnlk objeler birer sanatnn elinde biricikleip ya-amlarmza dahil oluyor, gndelik yaa-ma giriyor. diyor. SANAT 7/24 Vol.2 sergisi, Trkiyede fonksiyonel sanat zerine ya-plan tek sergi olma zellii tayor. Tan Mavitan, Hseyin Rstemolu, Ltfiye Ksten ve Nee oaln da iinde yer al-d SANAT 7/24 iin sergi temas 22 sanat-ya ay nce verildi ve sergiye zel ya-ptlar hazrlanmas istendi. Sonu olarak, sanat ve tasarmn kesiim kmesinde yer alan yaptlar bu iki yaratc disiplinin ara-snda birbirinden farkl ve zgn kpr-ler kurdu. SANAT 7/24 Sergisi 16 Ekim 2013 tarihine kadar ARMAGGAN Art & Design Galleryde izlenebilir.
ARMAGGAN Sanat Her Zaman Her Yerde / Art Everywhere, All the TimeSANAT 7/24 Vol. 2 Trkiyede fonksiyonel sanat zerineyaplan tek sergi ART 24/7 Vol. 2 - Turkeys only functional art
EKAVARTHergn binlerce kiiyi sanatla buluturan 5 Yanda!Bringing together art and thousands of people each day,, is celebrating its fifth anniversary!
Entitled Art Everywhere, All the Time, with this exhibition, the ARMAGGAN Art & Design Gallery opens its doors to art that has not only a conceptual dimension but also a functional aspect. Organized on the principle that Art is a part of life, human and necessary, the ex-hibition explored this declaration by asking 22 artists to produce works exploring the no-tions: How can art be with us 24/7? and How can art be incorporated into daily life?
According to ARMAGGAN Art & Design Gallery coordinator anel an: The starting point of the ART 24/7 exhibition was within the con-cepts of art-design-function, which are very much part of the current discourse and under the new heading of functional art, we wanted to see how daily objects that we use in our regular lives are made unique in the artists hands and become part of our lives, entering the every-day world. The ART 24/7 Vol. 2 exhibi-tion has the distinction of being Turkeys only functional art exhibition. 22 artists, including Tan Mavitan, Hseyin Rstemolu, Ltfiye Ksten and Nee oal, were briefed on the ex-hibitions theme three months ago and asked to produce original pieces for the exhibition. The result was works clustered around the point where art and design intersect, building distinctive and original brides between these two creative disciplines. The ART 24/7 Vol. 2 ex-hibition will be on display at the ARMAGGAN Art & Design Gallery through October 16, 2013
stanbul, first online art television in Tur-key, began its broadcasting life on internet on 1st of August, 2008 with the motto of you have a rendezvous with art; it has been cre-ating culture and art community through-out a global network and a platform where young and middle aged artists freely present their works of art., with its inter-active structure, includes hundreds of video from every field of art and has the feature of being the richest visual art archive of Turkey. has enabled art to reach every sec-tion of society by sharing the most up-to-date exhibitions, special interviews with artists, lo-cal and international museums and art fairs with artlovers from all over the world for 5 years., the popularity of which has been increasing with each passing day, has ap-proximately 350.000 unique visitors and its 1.000.000 videos are displayed on a monthly basis. One of the most prominent features of is its contribution to education; many fine arts schools in Turkey have been re-ferring to the rich archive of
Followed enthusiastically by artlovers, ekavArtBlog writers; nci Aksoy, Leyla Alaton, Banu armkl, Glten mamolu, Leyla n-sal and Yasemin Varg are exploring interna-tional exhibitions and art fairs thus enabling readers to set out on an art journey.
Art has been watched at for 5 years. Do not remain artless!
Asl Vural, Betl Cankara, Burin Baar, Camekan & Artane , Canan Ustaolu, Derya zparlak, Ebru Susamcolu, Engin Beyaz, Esra Salk, mer Faruk Kl, Gnl Nuholu, Glperin Sertdemir, Hseyin Rstemolu, Kaan Toros, Ltfiye Ksten, Nejat Kavvas, Nee oal, Nilgn Sabar, Pnar Partanaz, Seymen ener, Tan Mavitan, Tan Tapolatolu
5At this crucial time in history, as perhaps all times are, the climate of uncertainty grows hotter and hotter. Distrust in governments has led to increased partisanship and in some cases, civil unrest and even revolution. In the USA we are seeing artists increasingly turn to political themes. Sometimes these manifest themselves in oblique ways and at other times are directly engaged but all of the artists in this exhibition propose new ways of consider-ing the Political and their relationship to these issues - of civil liberties and rights, of opposi-tion to authority, of concerns over the future and to notions of freedom.
These artists can be seen as aligned with pop-ular movements such as Occupy, Anonymous and Wikileaks, providing an alternative dis-course for society while recognizing self-reflex-ively that they are marginalized somewhat - as the status and positioning of artists, within privileged spaces and audiences, can be prob-lematic in relation to activism but still heralds the hope that these artists hold in the act of making art and its possibility for change.
The problematic aspects of the relationship of freedom to monetary power are also explored via a meta-dialogue exposed by the pragmatic limitations to the ability of the artists involved to transport their works to another audience. These financial boundaries themselves speak to the dynamic between the ability to have ones voice heard and the constrictions to ex-pression, the right to assembly and associa-tion, caused by money and thus Power.
Yaadmz tarihin en can alc kavan-da, zamana damgasn vuran en byk olgu belirsizlik ortamnn giderek belir-leyici olmasdr. Hkmetlerin iinde bulunduu iktidarszlk hem tek yanl particilie dnyor hem de baz du-rumlarda sivil alkantlara ve dahas ciddi dnmlere neden oluyor. Amerikada sanatlarn giderek siyasal konulara y-neldiini gryoruz. Siyasete ynelen ve yeniden canlanan bu ilgi yalnz dorudan doruya deil, dolayl olarak da bir biim-de kendini gsteriyor. Sergiye katlan b-tn sanatlar yeni yaklamlar sunarak siyasal ierikli konular irdeliyor ve kendi ilikilerini yeniden tanmlamak iin teh-likeli konular -- sivil haklar, yetkeye mu-halefet, gelecekle ilgili sz sahibi olmak ve zgrlk kavram-- yeniden gzden geiriyorlar.
Bu sanatlar Occupy, Anonymous ve Wi-kilieaks gibi popler gruplarn yer ald saflarda grmek olasdr. Kendi marjinal durumlarn bir yandan z-dnml bir ekilde kabul ederken dier yandan da topluma sylem seenei salamaya de-vam ediyorlar- her ne kadar ayrcalkl ve sekin izleyici merkezli koul ve konum-dan dolay eylemcilik ile ilikileri sorun-sal olsa da, bu sanatlar sanat yaparken deiim getirme olaslklaryla ilgili umut verici bir tutumu temsil ediyorlar.
zgrlklerle finansal g arasndaki so-runlu iliki ayrca meta-diyalog aracly-la ele alnyor, baka bir yerdeki seyirciye ulamak iin almalarn nakledilmesin-de yaanan zorluklar ve sanatlarn yap-trm gcne pratik snrlar koyan artlar aratrlyor. Bu finansal engeller belli bir dinamie arm yapyor, parasal gcn neden olduu sorunlar sanatnn kendi sesini duyurma kapasitesi ile ifade etme snrll arasndaki ve ayrca toplanma hakk ile gruplama istei arasndaki ili-kiyi yanstyor ve etkiliyor.
Glsn Karamustafann 40 yl akn s-redir devam eden sanat pratiini kapsa-yan Vadedilmi Bir Sergi, 10 Eyllde SALT Beyolunda ald. Sanatnn sergide yer alan resim, kolaj, bask, fotoraf, video ve enstalasyonlar, g, yerellik, kimlik, cin-siyet ve kltrel farkllk konularn ele alyor.
Politik olarak aktif bir figr olan Kara-mustafa (d. 1946), 1971 darbesinden...