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Apr 04, 2019 First of all, that first link corresponds to Anno 1404, not 1701 A.D. Anyway yeah I patched the game to version 1.02 (1.04 is not available in spanish therefore I can't install it because it throws a language error). I've even installed the game on English and patched it to 1.04 but it did not make a change.
- Have you patched the game ?
'I have installed the last Tages drivers '
- I can't find good information on the DRM used by Anno 1701 but see the German version of Anno (which Anno is not specified, so
it may be an earlier Anno) uses SecuROM. Some European versions of game do use different DRM than USA and other versions though.
Have you tried reinstalling the game after installing 64bit Tages ( I think I had to do this with The Witcher, which also comes with
an 32bit Tages) ?
Assuming you installed the 64bit Tages driver, that update should fix the issue caused by early versions of Tages not being compatible
with 64bit Windows, if your version uses Tages (I see people had problems with 64bit Win7 as well).
- (just to verify the version you installed) -
If the problem is due to the copy protection, and 64bit Tages does not fix it, the easiest way to make your disc based version run
is to use a noCD fixhack.
This is necessary for many games on Win 10, in some cases due to 64bit Windows (which some versions of SecuROM
Anno 1404 Wiki
also have a problem with), but by far the greatest problem with disc based games is due to MS building a 'feature' into Win10
that blocks the driver used by SafeDisk DRM (secdrv.sys) as this was used on hundreds of games up to around 2006.
- I've been getting my noCD fixes from this site for over ten years -
- If you don't want to use noCD fixes, and don't want to continue using a ( 'free' ? ) download you should be able to get a
legitimate copy of the game from - Good Old Games - when it's on 'sale' for around $5- USD.
Another advantage to using a download version from GOG is they will have done other fixestweaks that may prevent
the game from running properly on Win10.
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The game was launched in 2006 so there shouldn't be any issues other than DRM, but you never know.
Anno 1404 Download